Hahaha well this last
few days were nuts!! after we wrote you guys thursday we had a zone mtg. our
district and the zls. man it was real good, but they talked to us about how
they were sad that really our zone has been failing in baptisms.last month, for
all the 10 pairs of missionaries in our zone, there was only 5 baptisms! the
goal for the mission is 4 per pair per month, so that number should have been
40! so ya we are sucking alot! but they right then gave us 5 minuets to think
and pray and give them a goal of how many we are gonna have in the month of
june! we thought and our goal for me and my companion is 6!!! they are all
close we just need to work real hard!!!
as far as these 6 people!
they are our main focus and reall the ones that we are gonna put 100 percent of
our effort into!
first is Alicen - she is
the 9 year old daughter of a less active family, the family hasn´t come to
church in two years as a
result their youngest daughter alicen is not baptised! and she is 9! so she is
one of our investigators! we have been working hard with her for the past month
or so, she is smart and has all the gosple knoledge so we are mostly focusing
on the mom and getting her back to church! cuz if the mom doesnt come back to
church the familty is just gonna fall away again and the baptism wont really
matter! but we have given lesson after lesson and ya she is changing bit by
bit, but thursday after our zone meeting, we were like alright! we are putting
a baptism date with her! so we went and it was just her dad and her, and we
asked her if she wanted to be baptised and she said yes! so we asked her why
and explained about baptism and stuff, then we brought out a callender, and
asked her to pick a date of when she thinks she will be ready! she said the 20
of july!!! so thats her fecha for right now, we think it will happen sooner,
but will see, Then we talked with her about the things she need to do before,
and about coming to church and reading, and she promised she would, also the
dad promes that he would keep bringing her to church! he and the two daughters
came 2 sundays ago, but the mom no... but this sunday a mirical happened!! we
were sitting in church about to start, and they walk in!!! the WHOLE FAMILY!
mom and all! man we were so freaking happy!!! and she had a good time, and I
think her and the other hermana made up!!! so we are praying that she keeps
coming! and keeps being an example for her daughter!!
Anyway, sunday was a
huge blessing after a couple weeks of hard hard work without results!!! we had
alicen (the daughter) hno roberto, and this investigator couple, juan and his
wife!!! (they finaly came! after 2 months of trying to get them at church!!!!)
so ya it was a very happy day for me!!! so we had 4 invesitgators at church,
and the attendance was 67!!! moving up!!!!!!
so ya right now our
focus is on Alicen, Roberto, Juan and his wife, and Alicia and karla, they are
the 6 baptisms we are planning on having this month! but for right now only
Alicen has a date... and its for next month... but hey its a date!
anyway we are working
real real hard! and seeing a few results!!! :)
As far as my comp!! his
spanish is good! he has like perfect grammer, he just has pretty bad
pronuciacion... sp (spanish) but i'm helping him with that and he is hepling me
with my grmmer, so we understand each other pretty well and everyone normaly
gets what we are saying! haha
well well i love you
guys so so so much!! youur always in my prayers!!!